SEASON 1 FINALE: The Awkward In-Between as Summer turns to Autumn

Today is the Season 1 Finale and we are going out with a bang! Tackling the topic of the awkward in between as Summer turns to Autumn- exploring how we can welcome the coming Fall season as we continue to hold on for dear life to the fading Summer heat in all areas from dress, to home decor, to food, to hobbies & activities… Tips are shared, secrets are revealed, projects are announced. You won’t want to miss this conversation!

Thank you to ALL of our listeners for tuning in. If you enjoy our podcast and want to show your appreciation, please leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and share it with your friends or loved ones!

We will be back for Season 2 on Monday, September 6th! Until then, have a WONDERFUL rest of your Summer!


Meet Archie!


Shannon- using up the last of the summer harvest before fall produce comes in!

Nessa- My NEW seasonal home playlists on Spotify, Listen for Free! 

the summer home

the autumn home

the winter home

the christmas home

the spring home

Shannon's Instagram

Nessa’s Instagram

Vanessa BlackComment